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Greatest Need
Donate San Antonio Forever
Support San Antonio's Areas of Greatest Need
Our Community Goals
Donate Impact Fund for Cultural Vibrancy

Join us in sculpting a vibrant arts and cultural community.

The work of local artists transcends the confines of a museum, weaving living history into the very fabric of our neighborhoods. Contributors are dedicated writers, performers, and visual artists.

The array of artists, the mastery of their craft, and the caliber of their creations harmoniously sing "San Antonio."

Our cultural organizations amplify the voices of our diverse communities - their work, an inseparable thread in the tapestry of local identity.

Like a rare artifact must be preserved, so too must we safeguard our colorful culture. Discover how you can ensure the vibrancy of this legacy for generations to come.

Donate Impact Fund for Livable and Resilient Communities

Throw a lifeline to our most under-resourced neighborhoods.

Too many in our community are trapped in a constant state of survival mode. They need a lifeline.

That may look like a roof over a family’s head, a meal for a hungry child, or a shelter for a domestic violence survivor.

Put compassion into action by providing basic human needs. If you believe that basic physiological needs like food, water, and shelter should not be considered a luxury, join likeminded advocates in providing hope.

For many, the answer to, “How do I feed my family?” or “What happens if I don’t have medication?” is just a matter of a few dollars. This means that gifts of every size have an immediate and substantial impact on someone’s life.

Let’s put a stop to generational poverty.

Donate Impact Fund for Successful Aging

We are all aging. Help us build capacity for generations.

Imagine shaving 21.6 years off your life expectancy based on one data point alone - your zip code.

Together, we can change that. But why stop there?

The Impact Fund for Successful Aging empowers older adults by:
-Increasing caregiver capacity
-Decreasing social isolation
-Enabling seamless transportation
-Enhancing physical access
-Championing life-enriching activities
-Changing the way we think, feel and talk about aging.

Aging is not new. But the rapid growth of our older population certainly is. Specific segments are projected to quadruple within just 4 decades. Government and federal programs cannot sustainably support this growing need. But you can.

We must start now to build capacity for generations to come.

Let us celebrate life's continuum. Join us in enabling better policies and support systems so that all our older adults can benefit from a longevity dividend by giving through the Successful Aging Impact Fund.

Donate Impact Fund for Youth Success

Empower our youth to script their own destinies.

Within the heart of the hospital nursery, 10 sleeping newborns peacefully begin their journey into our world. All healthy. All born into loving families. All with innate capacity for greatness. Yet, by virtue of their families' zip code, 3 of these infants are poised to begin life in an opportunity deficit.

Behind this illustration lies a sobering reality: 110,321 children in Bexar County live in poverty. This staggering statistic is why we have assembled a dynamic collective of changemakers taking on the challenge of:
-Eliminating Food Insecurity
-Offering educational and leadership programs
-Reviving parks and community spaces
-Providing access to transportation

Our cradle-to-career continuum bridges the opportunity gap from a challenging childhood to thriving adulthood.

With your investment in the Youth Success Impact Fund, we can revolutionize the most under-resourced corners of our communities. Be the caring neighbor who empowers our youth to script their own destinies. Place the keys to success back into their capable hands.

Join us in shattering the odds, and together - let's watch our community flourish.

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